Sunday, March 4, 2012

Dragon Age Orgins, Deamon Souls OR FF 13 ?

I'm new to the RPG genre. To tell the truth, I become sick of those 60 $ + expensive games that last only 10 to 20 hours and then you have to pay extra bucks for downloadable content to satisfy the greed of the developers, especially EA and their crappy BUGGY games AKA FIFA 10 !!

So guys, please give me your best answer based on story, length, graphics, customizations and gameplay.

Thank you in advanceDragon Age Orgins, Deamon Souls OR FF 13 ?
If you dont want those games than Dragon Age Origins is not for you ...i beat it in about 10 to 20 hours...and yes you do have to pay for downloadable content. I havent played the other 2 games so i'm not going to try and give you advice on those.

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