Saturday, March 10, 2012

Which of these games is most similar to Elder Scrolls & Fallout series?

I'm obsessed with Elder Scrolls: Oblivion and Fallout 3 and NV and am eagerly awaiting Skyrim. I was wondering, though, which of these following games is most similar to Elder Scrolls/Fallout NOT in terms of plot or graphics or setting, but rather in terms of gameplay, amount of open-world/sandbox, balance of role-playing and action, 1st person v. 3rd person, etc. I'm looking for another game which is very open-world/sandbox/off-rails, with a lot of side quests, leving, perks, etc.

Here is the list of games which I've heard are closest. Please also mention if there are games I haven't mentioned that have come out for Xbox 360/PS3 in the past few years which fit the criteria.

*Dragon Age and Mass Effect series (have heard these are more on-rails, not very sandbox-y)

*Deus Ex: Human Revolution

*The Witcher 2

*Dark Souls (have heard it's really difficult, not much of a storyline?)

*BorderlandsWhich of these games is most similar to Elder Scrolls %26amp; Fallout series?
Borderlands is most like Oblivion and the Fallout series in game mechanics. The game is progressed by completing missions that are assigned by NPC's in hub areas. However unlike those games there is also a driving aspect. Borderlands is a lot of fun and it is also pretty cheap to pick up.

Then again if you like the Elder Scrolls series then just wait for Skyrim. It looks amazing, and you get to fight dragons.
Haven't played most of these, but you're right about DA:O and Mass Effect - they're more linear compared to Elder Scrolls and Fallout. Borderlands is like Fallout on crack and with multiplayer, so that's a good one. The only other one I've heard is similar to Oblivion is Two Worlds 2, but I haven't seen any footage of it to say it is, so take a look at that one as well.

T2SWhich of these games is most similar to Elder Scrolls %26amp; Fallout series?
Dragon age if for from fps it like third person far out camera

Deus ex is open world that pretty good

witcher is more like assassins creed.

borderlands is like fallout but 2x more playful graphics are alittle cartoonish

dark souls is good but hard on hard difficulty story is ok
Deus Ex: Human Revolution. If you love games like Elder Scrolls, Fallout, it is a good choice. You get a bunch of sidequests and there are some nice perks.Check its information here and get ready!Which of these games is most similar to Elder Scrolls %26amp; Fallout series?
go with deus Ex: human revolution
Borderlands is. It's so awesome that you'll explode from the sheer awesomeness.
In Dark Souls you level up, assign points to skills or what have you, and you get stronger. The game is difficult but not impossible to beat. If you summon a Phantom to help the bosses become far easier. In dark souls you can build any type of character you want. Its leveling system is extremely detailed and pairs well with weapons and armor that can be found in the game. You can build any type of character you want. There are no perks but certain weapons are stronger in the hands of a character that has high Dexterity for example. The game has a "seamless world", this doesn't mean open exactly. You have to unlock certain shortcuts and routs. What this means is that as you enter different areas of the world there is no loading screen, just a text pop up that says the name of the area. In my opinion one of the best games of this year.

Mass Effect is a great game series and it has a great story. You are given missions and then your free to tackle them in whatever order you like for the most part. As you beat missions you are given more missions. Your available weapons, and powers are determined by your class. Some powers and weapons are completely unavailable to the main character depending on what class you pick. The game's central hub is the Normandy, the crew's ship. From here you pick your missions. The game is not open world and has long loading screens. Leveling up and building a character is very fun. As you level up certain stats you unlock perks and upgrades for those perks. Compared to Borderlands, Dark Souls, Fallout, and Oblivion, the game has very few weapons. This is an excellent game.

Borderlands world is made up of several maps connected by loading screens. The weapon system is robust and consists of thousands of weapons. You are given missions by npc or bounty boards and then you return to collect your reward. The leveling and perks are similar to Mass Effect in that as you level up you unlock more perks and perk upgrades. After a while i found the game to be repetitive but I was playing it by myself. When I got a group of friends together to play this game we had a blast and played a full playthrough together over the course of a few weeks. This game has new game + as well. Fun with friends, ok for one playthrough by yourself, you be the judge of that. I will be getting Borderlands 2.

Dark Souls, Mass Effect, and Borderlands are all great games in my opinion and are must haves in any game collection. I cant speak for the other games as I have not had the pleasure of playing them yet.
First of all, in my experience nothing comes close to Elder Scrolls or Fallout in terms of sandbox/open world RPG experience.

Of the ones you listed I'd say Borderlands is actually kind of close. It feels a little short in comparison, but you do get to explore an open world and it's so much fun. The game has a great sense of humor and is definitely on my personal favorites of all time list. I personally have not played Dark Souls. I have heard great things about Deus Ex and it's high on my "to buy" list (after Skyrim). I loved Mass Effect, didn't like Dragon Age, but you are right, they are a little more linear. As for others, have you played Fable II? Yes, the storyline is a bit linear and the game feels a bit short, but the replay value is high and you do have a lot of freedom.

Any of you other RPG players suffer from restartitis? -_- (Restarting games over and over)?

I have this problem with every RPG game I play, except Zelda.

In Fallout 3, (Which I never beat), I kept creating new characters after I only got done with five quests.

In Oblivion Elder Scrolls, I kept restarting the game because of the appearance of my character.

I never even beat the game! I'VE NEVER EVEN STARTED THE MAIN QUEST XD

Perhaps the most frustrating game I have right now is Dragon Age II. In Origins, you could just pick somebody and wield whatever weapon you wanted (except mage). I already had a tough decision of deciding whether to be a mage, dwarf, elf, or human..

But Dragon Age II is more specific. Before the game begins, you have to choose mage, rogue, or warrior..And then you're only allowed a set of weapons that your class can use.

I can't wait til Skyrim is released. They say that when you start the game, you can just be whatever the hell you want during gameplay xD. Whatever skill you do, you level up on that automatically.

Being a mixture of a rogue and warrior is very complicated..Any of you other RPG players suffer from restartitis? -_- (Restarting games over and over)?
yes. do you have question for Yahoo!Any of you other RPG players suffer from restartitis? -_- (Restarting games over and over)?
I do. Especially in DA:O and Oblivion, more in Oblivion than anything. I only do it in Dragon Age: Origins to have the specializations unlocked for the 3 types and to pick one for a playthrough. God knows how many times I've restarted my character in Oblivion...probably topping 500 of them =7

T2SAny of you other RPG players suffer from restartitis? -_- (Restarting games over and over)?
"RPG game I play, except Zelda."

Zelda isn't an RPG.

I occasionally restart RPGs if I haven't played them for a long time.
after i make a character i stick with it and play out the game.then i will go back and play again and use glitches or cheats but other than that i just play the game and have fun.i have played the elder scrolls oblivion a number of times,i have a character with over 1000 hours on it.i have thousands of hours into fallout 3 and all the dlc.just make a character and have fun.hope this helps.

What happened to the "game" in "video game"?

It seems like every gamer considers things like story and graphics and multiplayer to be the most important components of a good video game, when the game part seems to get left behind.

For instance, I love to play a good shooting game. Halo 3, Call of Duty 4, and Gears of War are amongst my favorites. But out of those, Gears is the longest, and it's a little over 10 hours on your first playthrough. Really? Ten years ago, ten hours was considered too short. Now, it's considered just right. The gameplay is great in these games, but it just doesn't last. Multiplayer does not, in any way, shape, or form, make up for a short game. No game should need to stand on multiplayer alone. I don't care if it's Quake 3 or Unreal Tournament, it ought to be against the law to concentrate on multiplayer.

So, in my quest to find a long game well worth my hard earned money, I bought (over a period of a few months) Fallout 3, both Mass Effects, Oblivion, and I'm looking at Dragon Age. Never before has an RPG held my interest, but that's because I’ve always associated RPG with "stand in a line and take turns punching each other with a menu button." This concept was one I hated, and still do, but the WRPG's that I've got are immersive, interesting, and expansive. But the actual game parts are still a bit lackluster. Out of all of them, only Mass Effect 2 could really work without any story or dialogue. I'm also having a hard time calling ME2 an "RPG" with a straight face, more like a story driven third person shooter. The "take cover" style of game play just doesn’t work anywhere near as well as it does in Gears 2. It isn’t bad, by any means, but if you’re going to rip off a game you might as well go all the way, and ME2 only half-heartedly does it. In Gears, you can roll away, crouch and run, crouch in cover, and the camera swings to the right or left of your character depending on where and how you are aiming. ME2 doesn’t have any of this, only the basic “back against the chest-high wall” maneuver.

What I’m saying is that nowadays, games are too focused on the “other stuff”. I’d like a game that’s as long as Oblivion, as polished as CoD4, controls as well as Gears 2, has a story as expansive and interesting as Mass Effect, and just drops any thoughts of “multiplayer” whatsoever. Any suggestions, and who agrees?

Sorry for the incredibly long question. I have one more - Is Dragon Age turn-based at all?What happened to the "game" in "video game"?
1. Halo: CE had the best story of the three primary Halo games and those you mentioned in the first paragraph. I understand that it's an arguable point, but I'm speaking from a strictly structural point of view.

2. Campaigns in video games are getting shorter because the plots in the stories are more interesting and, as such, need to be more condensed to maintain pacing and flow.

3. Agreed, multiplayer does not define the game experience. You should understand, however, that the casual gamer is the largest demographic to play video games and the competitive gamer is the largest demographic to purchase games when they are first released. Highlighting good multiplayer is a marketing tool, as well as an extension of a game's primary function.

4. The cover system employed by Gears and ME2 was pioneered by an underappreciated game called KillSwitch, which was then revolutionized by Ubisoft for Rainbow Six: Vegas. Gears is by no means original and ME is not copying Gears. RS:V2 was far more successful than either of those games. Cliff Bleszinski said himself he took inspiration from RS and made the cover system more like a game of paintball, which multiplayer strongly represents: People hiding behind cover until some one hacks you to bits with a chainsaw

5. A game can't have everything. I don't think, and hundreds of thousands of other people will agree with me, that a game like Oblivion is incomplete or lacking in any way. MW2 certainly has multiplay failings, and the character in gears 2 doesn't move quickly enough in multiplayer for my tastes. There are plenty of single player games out there that are interesting and have multiplayer, like MW2, RS:V2, and Gears 2, that don't hurt the experience of the story. Halo: Reach and ODST are great examples. Just don't let the multiplayer bother you.

6. I never experienced turn-based strategy in DA, and I don't believe it was ever marketed as such.
Whether the game stands on multiplayer, partially or alone, is dependent on what the game is. Left 4 Dead and Team Fortress 2 are amazing games. They are great games that are multiplayer. If you haven't played L4D 1-2 or TF2, you are cheating yourself out of fantastically balanced game play either in co-op or versus.

I'm not entirely certain what you mean by "actual game parts" or the notion that a game like Mass Effect 2 or any RPG would need to be judged without dialogue or story. RPG's are about telling stories. Games, though defined by interactivity, are frequently considered vessels for telling stories. If you don't want story, play Tetris. Or pong.

Gears of War did not invent cover systems, and utilizing a common mechanic does not mean that you are trying to rip off another game, or that you did not do it as well.

If you have trouble calling Mass Effect 2 an RPG with a straight face, that might be indicative of that fact that you do not know what an RPG is:

"A role-playing game (RPG) is a broad family of games in which players assume the roles of characters in a fictional setting. Players take responsibility for acting out these roles within a narrative, either through literal acting, or through a process of structured decision-making or character development" (…

Huh. Sounds an awful lot like taking on the role of Commander Shepard. Choosing Paragon, Regegade or neutral resolutions to various situations in-game to progress a narrative. Also, it has the common RPG elements of customization, party and equipment configuration.

No, Dragon Age Origins is not turn-based. Yes, it is an RPG. Lots of the aforementioned mechanics will be present. Not alot of ducking behind cover and shooting things.What happened to the "game" in "video game"?
If you buy Civilization V and set it on the right length, it could take days, if not weeks. Oh and If you are hoping for a FPS with no multiplayer? :) Good luck!

I agree to an extent, but I think you're just a bit too picky lol. To me, the Mass Effect games aren't supposed to be like the Gears games. They're two TOTALLY different type games, and the "take cover" aspect isn't all that important in Mass Effect. And you can't completely drop multiplayer, but I get what your saying. But just think about Halo without multiplayer. It wouldn't be Halo. Sure, I'd like a better campaign gameplay, but multiplayer is SO much more important in a game like that. That's why people play it, because they wanna get together with their friends (whether it be in person or online). If they could package all those things into a game, that'd be awesome I'd definately buy it, but game makers focus on multiplayer because that's what appeals to the majority of gamers nowadays.What happened to the "game" in "video game"?
That may be your opinion. There are plenty of games that don't involve multiplayer if you don't want to use it. Multiplayer, and specifically online Muliplayer and MMORPG ensure that people will play the game for longer periods of time without moving on, so that game and console companies can make money from subscriptions and DLC.

Another part of it might also be that nowadays, Game Worlds are more open and have a lot more Eye Candy than they did long ago. There's more to explore, do, and see.

Which of these Ps3 games should I get (I need answers quickly please!)?

Ok , so I am thinking of going to Geeks Etc. today and I want to choose between the following games: Assassins Creed 2 , Borderlands , Modern Warfare 2 , Dragon Age: Origins , or Killzone 2.

The reasons I am thinking of getting these are

Assassins Creed 2 - I heard it was a cool "roaming" type game.

Borderlands - Gameplay looks like its not that great , because of the cartoon style.

Modern Warfare 2 - The campaign seems kind of short , but most say that the multiplayer makes up for it.

Dragon Age: Origins - The RPG feel of it makes it look pretty good.

Killzone 2 - I hear that it has amazing graphics , and is a great buy.

By the way I have , and LOVE , Fallout 3 GOTY , the Star Wars Knight of the Old Republic (1 %26amp; 2) , and Full Spectrum Warrior. Of course, those are on multiple systems.

As you can probably tell , I am a fan off RPG , strategy , and shooter games.

I would appreciate answers from gamers who have played some of these games.

Finally , here is the link to the website , please make suggestions if you see something there that you believe I would enjoy.

Thanks again! =)Which of these Ps3 games should I get (I need answers quickly please!)?
Played em all and gotta say the only thing I really liked was Modern Warefare 2.
none of the above becuse i don't really care about those games but thatz just me....Which of these Ps3 games should I get (I need answers quickly please!)?
If you love fallout you will like Borderlands! I sure did, and if you haven't got Modern warfare then it's a must!
My answer would be for one not on your list. If you don't already have Uncharted and Uncharted 2, get them. Amazing story lines, realistic gameplay and highly addictive online multiplayer(for Uncharted 2).

I loved Dragon Age so, for that i'd say yes. Assasins Creed II is great but you should really get the first one before. CODMW2 has great online play so if you like that then go for it.

I was not really impressed by the others especially Borderlands.Which of these Ps3 games should I get (I need answers quickly please!)?
Fallout 3

Why do high graphic games crack on my pc?

when ever i play a game with high graphics like prince of Persia , prototype, dragon age,far cry 2 etc my screen does not run smoothly and and the gameplay has a lot of beaks (if you know what i mean).

I have a nvidia 285 graphics card and a amazing sound card (sorry forgot model name!!) why does it happen. how to solve it.Why do high graphic games crack on my pc?
285 is a low budget card. sound card has nothing to do with grafx.

You may have a poor processor too.

My guess is your specs aren't up to the games capacities and thus you are perceiving skipping.Why do high graphic games crack on my pc?
you should replace your gpu coz its not up to the task of running new games...i suggest you try replacing it with radeon 5770 its high-mainstream graphics card and also not expensiveWhy do high graphic games crack on my pc?
Your computer is crap.
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  • Remember any good Single Player RPG games?

    Trying to remember games that ive played already. And maybe find games that i havent played.

    Maybe you will find something u havent played.

    Gothic - 9/10

    Gothic II - 10/10

    Gothic II: Night of the Raven 7/10

    Gothic III - 7/10

    Gothic: Arcania - 6/10 Good game for start. But forgot Gothic saga completly.

    Fable: The lost Chapters - 8.5/10

    Fable II 8/10

    Fable III - N/A

    Dungeon Siege - N/A

    Dungeon Siege II 7/10 Good game, cant wonder around map.

    Dungeon Siege III - Instal/Del for forgetting older sagas.

    Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning 8/10 Pretty nice game. GG for EA Games.

    The Elder Scrolls: Morrowind - 8.5/10 Graphics are terrible.

    The Elder Scrolls: Oblivion 9/10 Graphics are nice, but character graphics still often.

    The Elder Scrolls: Skyrim - 10/10

    Hellgate: London - 6.5/10 Graphics are quite poor, and gameplay very repettetive.

    The Darkness II - Catchy game, but very short. Game for 1 day.

    Diablo II

    Baldurs Gate (PSII) - 8/10 Played CO-OP, very fun game.

    Neverwinter Nights - ****.

    Fallout 3 - 9/10

    Fallout: New Vegas - 9/10

    Dragon Age: Origins - 9/10

    Dragon Age II - 10/10

    Divinity II The Dragon Knight Saga - 7.5/10 Too long, got borred.

    Risen - 8/10

    Silverlight - 6/10

    Titan Quest - 7/10Remember any good Single Player RPG games?
    Wow, I cant believe you havent played any Final Fantasy or Mass Effect games. Those RPGS rule
    Final Fantasy is epic. Ive been playing for as long as I can remember. If you havent played, you seriously need to!Remember any good Single Player RPG games?
    Final Fantasy games

    .Hack franchises (2 series of games, first series spanned 4 game disks the secon 3 game disks) on PS2

    Legend of the Dragoon for PS1

    Star Ocean

    Suikoden series

    Disgea (I personally don't like it but that is just me)


    Chrono Trigger and Chrono Cross

    Champions of Norath
    Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic is very good. Not the new mmo, the old one.

    You only seem to like western RPGs, but Chrono Trigger is my favorite RPG of all time. And Pokemon! Dont forget Pokemon!Remember any good Single Player RPG games?
    I'm answering from a PC point of view as your list seems very mixed (unless there was a Gothic port to console which is very much doubt).

    Recent or not that old:

    The Witcher 1 %26amp; 2

    Two Worlds 1 %26amp; 2

    Dungeons of Dredmor

    Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 1 %26amp; 2

    Ye' olde RPGs:

    Planescape: Torment

    Fallout 1 %26amp; 2

    Baldur's Gate
    Try Dark Souls, its for hardcore RPG'ers

    Need a new rpg for pc?

    okay so i just finished 2 worlds 2 or i just couldnt play it anymore cause i have been playing that game for so long but i played oblivion,morrowind, and 2worlds2. i love these types of games... are there any games like this? where u can customize a **** load and have open world good story? i dont like the games like dragon age where u control a party.. i rather like haveing a single character u control. also i wouldnt mind a wild west rpg like red dead redemption game if there is one for pc.

    (also i know its gameplay%26gt;graphics but i tried to play daggerfall but the graphics just threw me off guard... i just cant play it and cant get into it playing games like 2 worlds 2 where the graphics is amazing... so a somewhat good graphic would work to! thnx)Need a new rpg for pc?
    fantasy based rpg...

    darksiders has an execellent combat and gameplay (but weak story and weak rpg elements. you cant customize the character).

    torchlight is your traditional hack and slash rpg ala diablo. youtube a torchlight gameplay. you might not like it's camero view.

    ego draconis is so-so

    The witcher 2 has execellent gameplay and story (you dont have 2 play the original witcher to appreciate this one you might get lost in the introduction, but as the game picks up, youll get more understanding of the backstory.) it's like dragon age without party members. GET THIS ONE.

    fable 3 is just a little above average (for me atleast)

    other notable rpg (that doesnt quite fit into your fantasy theme)

    mass effect series (sci-fi space opera)

    dead space series (sci-fi space horror)

    fall out 3 and new vegas (fps/rpg hybrid)

    assassins creed 2 and brotherhood (you might wanna skip assassins creed 1... too repetitive but if you can get it dirt cheap... then go for it)

    batman arkham asylum (fantastic)
    I LOVE Fallout. I prefer Fallout New Vegas IMO. Gotta lot of DLC, and if you even sort of like Oblivion, this is the game for you. Just look up some reviews, read up on it. The Fallout Universe is amazingly large and intriguing.Need a new rpg for pc?
    The only RPG game i likes was BatMan AA GOTY
    WoW is free to play now. Go do thatNeed a new rpg for pc?
    maynor WoW is free now? holy sht im going to play it now lol

    Which of these 5 recent PC RPGs would you most recommend?

    I'm looking for a good RPG that'll hook me into it, which of these 5 would you recommend and why?

    Two Worlds 2

    The Witcher 2

    Arcania: Gothic 4

    Divinity II: Ego Draconis


    What would you rate each of them in the following areas:






    I like

    - Fast paced, action-based hack %26amp; slash combat systems

    - Lots of variety on skills, abilities, spells, classes etc

    - Exploring, which of the above have more epic enviroments to explore and dungeon crawl?

    - Side content/things to do besides slaying monsters and the main storyline

    - Pets are a bonus but not a must

    - CO-OP is a bonus but not a must

    I like it when a game has such epic and detailed enviroments/atmospheres, dungeons and creatures that while you are exploring or dungeon/cave crawling and a creature/monster pops out at you, it'll literally scare the heck out of yah! Any of these capable of that?

    Dragon Age 2 seems a bit too linear for my taste.Which of these 5 recent PC RPGs would you most recommend?
    I have played all of the above except for The Witcher 2 (which I will get eventually). To be honest, I rate Gothic 4 as the worst of the bunch due to a very poor framerate on a high-end machine. And I wasn't the only one with the problem.

    Next, Divinity 2. It's a beautiful game, with lush environments, cool skills, you turn into a dragon etc, but the ending is what blew it for me. The moment I finished the game, I gave it to a friend and forced myself to forget all about it. If you don't mind such an ending (if you're interested check the synopsis, I won't spoil it for you), it's a good game.

    Two Worlds 2 has epic environments, as you put it, an excellent skill system, an even better magic system, side quests of various types (there's one where you race a horse from point a to point b, fun the first time but gets old). There's even a guitar-hero-esque minigame, throughout the game you can collect various musical instruments and then play in a town square for money. The bad side, though, is that most of the game world (which is huge) is practically empty. Seems they planned to publish DLCs, but the sales were too low, so they started making the third part instead.

    As for Risen - I recommend it with all my heart. It is the best game on your list aside from probably The Witcher 2. Almost everything you asked for is in it except for the co-op. The only downside in the entire game is the lame boss battle at the end. But that's more than negligible for such an awesome masterpiece.

    tl;dr - get Risen and The Witcher 2 =]Which of these 5 recent PC RPGs would you most recommend?
    Isn't Risen basically just a different play through of Gothic III? I thought it used the same engine and everything... I tried to play it, but was so sick of Gothic that to just play a re-hash sounded like hell.

    I'd say try Witcher II. I enjoyed the first Witcher, very unique game and good fast paced action. I'm going to get Witcher II once summer is over (I don't play games when the sun is out...)

    I didn't really get into Two Worlds II. Just didn't care for it, don't know why.

    Can't speak to the others...
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  • What rpg should i get?


    for christmas i am getting borderlands and fallout 3 goty and i hear they are both good rpgs(if you class borderlands as an rpg). But after that i am hoping to get a long rpg that has lots of hours of gameplay and has tones of replay value.This is what i was thinking.

    1. elderscrolls 4: oblivion

    2.dragon age orgins

    3.lost odyssey

    i was also thinking of final fantasy because i here there is a 13th one coming out and i would like to play a few of the older final fantasys. If you can think of any good rpgs for me to play that would be helpful. Thanks.What rpg should i get?
    In terms of length I would rank them like so...

    1) Oblivion

    2) Lost Odyssey

    3) Dragon Age

    Oblivion is easily over 100 hours for a single FULL play through. That means all side quests and such. The main campaign isn't all that long but the meat and potatoes of the game is in all the extra stuff you can do. The game also has fairly high replay value since different characters can be played quite differently. I probably have close to 1000 hours in Oblivion and probably even more in the previous Elder Scrolls game.

    Lost Odyssey is the most linear of the 3 but it's still very long. It would technically be longer than Oblivion IMO but there's pretty low replay value to the game. Once you've played the game once to completion playing it again is going to be more or less the same.

    Dragon Age is actually pretty short as far as RPGs are concerned but again the replay value is high since different "origins" are surprisingly unique in their campaign. So a single play through is rather quick but there's enough incentive to play it 2-3 times to qualify it as a fairly long RPG.

    FF13 will probably be amazing in comparable to Lost Odyssey in length. I've got it paid in full on pre-order as I'm certain that it will be good and long : ) Unfortunately we have to wait until March 9th (confirmed release date) for FF13.
    if you want something thats long with alot of gameplay.. try world of warcraft.What rpg should i get?
    I've never played lost odyssey but I recommend oblivion myself, great game.What rpg should i get?
    Assassins Creed 2

    u wont regret it
    Hint: The Elder Scrolls/Oblivion series is by Bethesda, the same people who did Fallout3. Both games will easily give you 100 hours of gameplay, and are VERY well balanced, solo RPGs.

    I hear Borderlands is geared more like an MMO, even though it isn't. I hear it is most definitely a team combat game, and nearly impossible to solo.
    Ok I love RPG games

    Fall out 3 is a great choice its brilliant

    If you have a xbox 360 you have to get Mass effect 1 so you can play it before Mass effect 2 comes out. If you like old school games you have to get Knights Of The Old Republic or KOTOR as its also known its one of the best RPG I have ever played but it is a bit out dated now. So it has to be Mass Effect. You can actually bring across your saved data from the first game over to your second game when it comes out
    elder scrolls 4: oblivion all the way
    @Brandi - That's an MMORPG.

    @Ben Dover - Good luck with that the tech specifications on that game are incredible.

    @Ryan D - Not an RPG.

    I would just go with Dragon Age Origins or Mass Effect. I personally didn't like Oblivion but Fallout 3 was amazing.
    get oblivion. Also fallout 3 has loads of replay value
    actually if you get fallout 3 game of the year and the elder scrolls oblivion game of the year depending on how you play them you can get about 500 hours each game. the people who tell you they got 75-150 hours in only did part of the fallout 3 with the 5 dlc i have over 500 hours in.there are 98 unique weapons and armor to look for,there are 98 pre war books to find,94 nuka-cola quantum's,23 schematics,71 mini nukes and on and on.oblivion is the same way,there is so much to discover,unique weapons and armor,side quests,town quests and on and on.your going to love playing these 2 games and you can play them over and over with out getting bored,or at least i can.hope this helps.have fun gaming.鈥?/a> and鈥?/a>
    fallout 3 and borderlands are in my opinion the best rpgs to get i havent played dragon age but that looks pretty good too
    Dragon Age Origins is really good, but FF13 won't come out for another year or so.

    If you want a great Final Fantasy game, take Final Fantasy VI (it's on the Super Nintendo as III) and Final Fantasy VII

    Will I like Skyrim? (for xbox)?

    I have never been a really big fan of rpg games. The only rpgs i enjoyed were runescape and pokemon, really loved them prolly because i understood the two their customizations, powers, abilities etc.The last rpg i played was dragon age 2 on my xbox and i didn't like it much, the graphics were bad and the gameplay was okay...overall it was a very average experience and i didn't even finish it coz it got too tough at a point. I have been checking out Skyrim videos online and it looks really fun..though sometimes it feels slow. And are the side quests good enough? Will they make me wanna play the game even after the main story is over?And Do different dialogue choices lead to different results?

    Thanks ^^Will I like Skyrim? (for xbox)?
    Get Skyrim man, it is da bomb!! Everyone is playing it and it's reviews and game play are simply amazing. Just watch a few more game plays on YouTube if you're not satisfied yet.

    What games should I get for PC?

    Hey, im looking to get into PC gaming, i've been mostly console but i'd like to see how I enjoy PC...

    I would like games that I can play without having to use the internet because I don't have access to the internet at all times, but if it's a really good game i'll go ahead and try it out, i'd also like the game to not take up a gigantic amount of space (so please, no oblivion, I already have the GOTY edition and I had to uninstall it because it was taking up all my hard drive space and I didn't like it enough for that) well..I don't mind if it takes up alot of space as long as it's really good.

    Games that I have played for PC that I like

    Diablo II (great game..never finished it...but I enjoyed it)

    Dreamfall TLJ (i just got this game and am currently trying it out, I like it so far i'm really into the whole RPG roleplay type games)

    Neverwinter Nights 2 (never played the first and I haven't played this yet but I want to because its based off of the D%26amp;D style gameplay)

    KOTR (Knights of the old Republic, played it for xbox but I know they have a PC it, its amazing)

    Portal (very enjoyable game but doesn't have much of a replay quality, havent beaten the first one yet so i'd rather not get the 2nd)

    Half Life 1 and 2 (I have 1 for PC with both expansions but I haven't beaten it yet, and I have two for X-box, i'm sure I would enjoy it and I do enjoy what i've played so far)

    Black %26amp; White (this game is fun but the mechanics are frustrating at times)

    Age of Empires 3 (love this game, had some epic battles back in highschool)

    Assassins creed(Loved that game, didn't work very well on my laptop but I have it for 360 and I enjoyed it)

    Fahrenheit (AKA, Indigo Prophecy, I had this for PS2 and never got to finish it because my CD had a bunch of scratches in it, got it for PC recently and I'm loving it)

    Other games I enjoy

    I am a HUGE Mario and Zelda fan.

    I loved Balders gate 1 and 2 and I loved Champions of Norrath

    I enjoy the multiplayer for Halo Reach and Halo 2 but ive never played it for PC.

    Never played COD...seems too much like whoever gets lucky enough to see the other person first wins(and I have a major shortage of luck)

    Final fantasy, loved final fantasy 10, and 12, played 7 briefly but that was fun too.

    I'm a star wars fan, never played many of the games besides KOTOR but I think thats really the only one i'd want to spend money on.

    I briefly played Fallout 3 for 360 and enjoyed what I played, reminds me of oblivion..but I can only play oblivion in a certain moodset or its just boring to me.

    Loved the star ocean games.

    Love fire emblem

    Love harvest moon

    Ummm....I started playing dragon age..for 360..but havent gotten very far, can't say if i really enjoy it yet or not.

    LOVE Fable 1, Fable 2 was okay and never played the 3rd.

    I liked borderlands but It was only fun when I was playing Multiplayer with friends.

    I thoroughly enjoy the tales games (vesperia, legendia, symphonia, ect)

    and thats all I can think of for the moment..

    If you have any suggestions, please please help me out, i'm honesty stumped and need something to play for when i'm bored at home. Please no MMORPGs, i'd prefer it if it didn't require internet access...and PLEASE do not suggest the sims...I can't stand that game and don't know how people stand to play it....

    So feel free to make suggestions till your hearts content! And please don't copy and paste the top 25 best games for PC...i've already looked at them. Thank you very much for your help!:)What games should I get for PC?
    You should try the Grand Theft Auto games, from Grand Theft Auto II through San Andreas. The name may not be as suggestive to the quality of those games. If you want one of the best games which consumes a lot of space, try Grand Theft Auto IV. But if you have the XBox 360, then it's a waste of time buying the PC version, because of steep hardware requirements. The game's advanced engine needs a lot of good hardware to run.

    And you can try the Call of Duty games. Just amazing.........Anything from Call of Duty 4 is worth recommending, PC or not. In GTA games, you can spend you time completing the story or you can just go on a rampage....It's fun.

    But remember, if you have either the 360 or PS3, buying the PC version is a waste (unless your PC is "genetically superior" in Brucie Kibbutz's words).

    If you have a genetically superior computer (better graphics, high RAM), then go ahead and buy it!

    Most recent games consume at least more than 10 GB, so it's hard............

    But you can also try the new Witcher Game, it's great! (Witcher II).

    And then, there are also expansions for GTA IV (the first one suffers from poor AI) and the second one bring back the parachute from San Andreas. The best AI I always found to be in GTA IV. The NFS games are fun too, Hot Pursuit 2010 especially.......It's the best NFS!

    So, that's as far as I know..........

    PS- You could play STALKER too. It's great. A fictionalized account of the Chernobyl disaster and its fictional aftermath..........It's quite spooky.........What games should I get for PC?
    resident evil 5

    I can't decide on any new PC games?

    My favorite Games are Mass Effect 1 and 2, Dragon age origins, HL2, Oblivion and Borderlands is alright. I can't find any decent games right now should I just wait. So HL2 EP3 will probably be another 4 months or more and Oblivion 4 will be ages away. Basically this is what I am looking for in a game.

    1. Story based single player

    2.Good graphics

    3. Smooth gameplay and realistic open worlds

    4. Decent dialogue like ME

    5. Building up stats

    Can anyone find a game that matches all these.I can't decide on any new PC games?
    try the games from the stalker series but before use, PATCH them, even though 7 years in development, they were rushed in the end and got out wih some really chunky bugs. Otherwise they're good games and they have pretty much everyhing you wanted besides building stats but don't worry, the game forces you to improve yourself over the course of the story and on higher diff. levels, it provides a fantastic and challenging experiemce. As for dialouges similar to ME, not many games use this mechanic, mostly they are either not for PC or aren't what you seem to want. Dialogues in STALKER are crude, basic only choosing the lines.I can't decide on any new PC games?
    Well, It's hard to say, but just watch IGN video reviews to see new games.

    They have a good ipod app if you have a touch/phone

    and don't be afraid to get a little Retro

    Recommended games I should buy for ps3, psp, free mmorpgs that fits what I like?

    As for what I like, in short, I like the thief class in mmorpgs.

    In detail, I like stealth, daggers, swords, assassination, stealing, running, versatility and speed.

    I don't like full stealth nor full head on combat, more like a little bit of both. For example, Sniper: Ghost warriors seems really boring to me because you just snipe, stealth, snipe. I like Assassin's creed 2 if you want an example of what I like. Also, if possible, I prefer using swords, daggers to snipers. I don't know why, sniping just seems really boring to me :P

    And lastly, I own Modern Warfare 2, Assassin's Creed 2, and Uncharted 2: Among Thieves.

    Thanks in advance! :D

    O and btw, if you want to know why I didn't just play the thief classes in mmorpgs, it's because it's either the community is retarded, the graphics suck, or the gameplay gets boring, OR it's a freaking grindfest.

    I don't like how mmorpgs are dependent on the number of people rather than interest in the gameplay since I know lots of people that play mmorpgs just to chat with friends.

    And one more thing, I'm not necessarily looking for an rpg game. And I also don't like huge spiders, so games like demon's souls wouldn't work :D

    Lol how come no one mentioned ninja gaiden sigma 2 :P

    PLEASE READ EVERYTHING ABOVE! And please seriously read it, I'm pretty sure elder scrolls IV: oblivion has giant spiders D:

    And please only suggest games that fit most if not all of the above criteria

    thanks :D

    If you're confused, you can just base my preferences on the thief, assassin classes in mmorpgs.

    It's just that I don't like too much of one thing. Not a game purely based on stealth, or anything for that matter.

    And can you guys please seriously read what I write.

    How does god of war have anything to do with stealth?

    Mgs4, I might check out.

    And dragon age origins has giant spiders lol

    It seems like you guys are just saying general games that are popular for the ps3 and psp without taking into account of what I typed up there.Recommended games I should buy for ps3, psp, free mmorpgs that fits what I like?
    I was gonna say Metal Gear Solid, cause if you really try you can go the whole game without killing one person. Though the old Metal Gear Solids are better and more so stealth.
  • cheap flights
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  • Recommended games I should buy for ps3, psp, free mmorpgs that fits what I like?

    As for what I like, in short, I like the thief class in mmorpgs.

    In detail, I like stealth, daggers, swords, assassination, stealing, running, versatility and speed.

    I don't like full stealth nor full head on combat, more like a little bit of both. For example, Sniper: Ghost warriors seems really boring to me because you just snipe, stealth, snipe. I like Assassin's creed 2 if you want an example of what I like. Also, if possible, I prefer using swords, daggers to snipers. I don't know why, sniping just seems really boring to me :P

    And lastly, I own Modern Warfare 2, Assassin's Creed 2, and Uncharted 2: Among Thieves.

    Thanks in advance! :D

    O and btw, if you want to know why I didn't just play the thief classes in mmorpgs, it's because it's either the community is retarded, the graphics suck, or the gameplay gets boring, OR it's a freaking grindfest.

    I don't like how mmorpgs are dependent on the number of people rather than interest in the gameplay since I know lots of people that play mmorpgs just to chat with friends.

    And one more thing, I'm not necessarily looking for an rpg game. And I also don't like huge spiders, so games like demon's souls wouldn't work :D

    Lol how come no one mentioned ninja gaiden sigma 2 :P

    PLEASE READ EVERYTHING ABOVE! And please seriously read it, I'm pretty sure elder scrolls IV: oblivion has giant spiders D:

    And please only suggest games that fit most if not all of the above criteria

    thanks :D

    If you're confused, you can just base my preferences on the thief, assassin classes in mmorpgs.

    It's just that I don't like too much of one thing. Not a game purely based on stealth, or anything for that matter.

    And can you guys please seriously read what I write.

    How does god of war have anything to do with stealth?

    Mgs4, I might check out.

    And dragon age origins has giant spiders lol

    It seems like you guys are just saying general games that are popular for the ps3 and psp without taking into account of what I typed up there.

    And no, I'm not a girl nor am I arachnaphobic.

    It's just that I prefer not to see like giant spiders or insects chasing me down and eating me up :P

    I don't really mind those spiders in oblivion though.

    But, like for example, when I tried out the free version of guild wars, there were these huge monsters with six or eight legs chasing me down. I just don't like really ugly monsters or really dark games.

    I didn't enjoy uncharted 2 that much, because half the time, I was in the dark and I couldn't see anything.Recommended games I should buy for ps3, psp, free mmorpgs that fits what I like?
    We have the same taste in games. Definitely check out MGS4 if you don't mind a few longish cinematics. Batman Arkham Asylum is actually pretty stealth-oriented. Fallout3 is good- there are some ant monsters, but I don't think there are spiders, haha. If you didn't play the first Assassin's Creed, that's worth checking out. And even though you didn't really mention anything about first-person shooters, Bioshock and Bioshock 2 are awesome. Highly recommend those. Heavy Rain is really cool, but not like a regular game. You would like that if you have patience for games that don't require a lot of shooting, but it's still really cool. And even though I haven't played the newest ones, you can't go wrong with Final Fantasy for an RPG.

    Anyway. Check those games out. Hope that helps. And thank you for being awesome and owning a PS3.Recommended games I should buy for ps3, psp, free mmorpgs that fits what I like?
    I know you already mentioned The Elder Scrolls IV:Oblivion,but it is seriously one of the best rpg's I have ever played in my life and you can do pretty much everything you like in it like the swords daggers and assassinations stuff but the spiders in oblivion i forget what they are called their daedric something or other but they aren't full spiders their half spider half lady

    What is a great RPG with character development and storyline depth?

    I'm recently getting into RPGs and I find that I'm unsatisfied at the moment and need a greater fix.... I want a game that has a very deep storyline, lots of gameplay time (200-500 hours... or more!!!) and a balanced and deep character development system. I don't give a flying fart about customizing the looks of my character... it's ok if that aspect is lacking. I just want gameplay! Also not opposed to games that are somewhat older, so long as they can still be reasonably played on a modern console (I'm not going to install Windows 98 or some such to play a really old game).

    My favorite games to date were Dragon Age Origins and Morrowind...What is a great RPG with character development and storyline depth?
    If you want something with this amount of playtime your only real options (short of an MMO - Lord of the Rings Online has a well written storyline) are Oblivion, Fallout 3 and Fallout: New Vegas (however I found each of them somewhat lacking in the depth of the story).

    Excellent story at about 40 hrs each is found at The Witcher 1 %26amp; 2.

    Risen, Gothic 1 - 3 also have a solid story and very good character development but I really can't remember how much time you can sink into them - considering I played them each at least three times (for there are three factions you can join each with their own 'class' they unlock) my estimate is around 20 to 30 hours, peaking at maybe 40 if you include the Gothic 2 expansion 'Night of the Raven'.
    The Elder Scrolls: Oblivion is great. It has hundreds of hours of gameplay and a very good storyline. You can pick it up for very cheap prices, even game of the year edition. If you like the Elder Scrolls series you should get Skyrim as well. It comes out 11.11.11, it is a sequel to Oblivion but the stories are not linked in anyway so if you can't get Oblivion don't make it stop you form buying Skyrim.What is a great RPG with character development and storyline depth?
    Fallout New Vegas is a great game and deal. I have been playing the game for about three weeks and like the last one, it has its glitches like the game freezing and characters that get stuck in the walls but unlike the previous version, I did not have to fork out $60 for it!! If you like the last Fallout, glitches and all, then you'll love this one at this great price.
    Since you liked Dragon Age, you might consider checking out the Mass Effect series, they are quite similar. You might also want to check out Elder Scrolls 4 Oblivion, and the new one Elder Scrolls 5 Skyrim (not out till 11/11/11).What is a great RPG with character development and storyline depth?
    fallout 3 and new vegas is great.

    I spent over 500 hours on fallout 3.

    Im leveled up to 30.

    Very good game and from the makers of oblivion.
    Oblivion Elder Scrolls will hold you until Skyrim.

    How customizable is your character in Elder Scrolls: Skyrim?

    Can you choose your race, like in Elder Scrolls IV? What about face, and hair? Can you customize that? And what about the gameplay? See, I like giving my character a new look every now and then. That's why I downloaded The Black Emporium for Dragon Age II. Anytime I switch from Act 1 to Act 2 or 3, I like to update my characters face with tattoos, or give him longer hair, or a beard.

    I've seen gameplay videos of Skyrim, and it is amazing. I get a feeling its already going to make Game of the Year.How customizable is your character in Elder Scrolls: Skyrim?
    Yes, you will be able to choose your race/gender and customize your appearance. Nothing specific about the character creator has been revealed. But, I wouldn't be surprised if in the coming months they demo it. From the few NPCs they have shown so far it looks like it will be much easier to make an attractive character.

    What parts can I purchase to do what I want with this computer?

    I use my PC for higher end gaming, however I want to upgrade a few things in it to make it better.


    2.4Ghz AMD 64 3800+ processor

    Nvidia Geforce 9400GT graphics card

    3G RAM

    150G Hard Drive

    Im wanting to play games Like Fallout3 and Dragon Age, and upcoming games like Starcraft2 and Diablo3 and have pretty nice graphics and relatively smooth gameplay. Can anyone tell me what I would need to upgrade to do that? (I looked up fallout3 on the "Can You Run It" website and the only thing Im short on is my processor and the game still kinda looks crappy, and Im not all to sure why.) Anyhow, If anyone could post links that would be great, Id like the best video card I can get for around $200 or so. Thanks!What parts can I purchase to do what I want with this computer?
    an ATI 5770 is perfect. try this site out:

    this will; compare all your graphics cards.

    Also try switching to an intel system or if price is an issue, an AMD AM3 socket so you can switch to hex core, dual or quad core whenever you want.What parts can I purchase to do what I want with this computer?
    You need a new processor, you need at least 4 gigs of ram, you need a much larger hard drive, and then you'll be good. A good card around $200 would be a ATI 5770.What parts can I purchase to do what I want with this computer?
    Any good graphics card will be help back by the processor.
    I would have to say that's an older AM2...the 3800+ was a sempron 2.2GHz and your machine has probably a 250-300W PSU. To go up to a better video card...which you would have to would need more power. with just 3GB of ram I suppose your running XP 32bit I would start look at windows 7 64bit to use more RAM. a 150 GB hard drive is a bit low and its probably IDE not SATA that too will slow you up. I would say you need a new PSU, better video card, more RAM, bigger hard drive, possibly a better CPU....If you "upgrade" all those parts you would still have an older machine with newer equipment! It may be more cost effective just getting or building a new machine! At least that way EVERYTHING will be new and up to date..more "future prof"!

    Recommended games I should buy for ps3, psp, free mmorpgs that fits what I like?

    As for what I like, in short, I like the thief class in mmorpgs.

    In detail, I like stealth, daggers, swords, assassination, stealing, running, versatility and speed.

    I don't like full stealth nor full head on combat, more like a little bit of both. For example, Sniper: Ghost warriors seems really boring to me because you just snipe, stealth, snipe. I like Assassin's creed 2 if you want an example of what I like. Also, if possible, I prefer using swords, daggers to snipers. I don't know why, sniping just seems really boring to me :P

    And lastly, I own Modern Warfare 2, Assassin's Creed 2, and Uncharted 2: Among Thieves.

    Thanks in advance! :D

    O and btw, if you want to know why I didn't just play the thief classes in mmorpgs, it's because it's either the community is retarded, the graphics suck, or the gameplay gets boring, OR it's a freaking grindfest.

    I don't like how mmorpgs are dependent on the number of people rather than interest in the gameplay since I know lots of people that play mmorpgs just to chat with friends.

    And one more thing, I'm not necessarily looking for an rpg game. And I also don't like huge spiders, so games like demon's souls wouldn't work :D

    Lol how come no one mentioned ninja gaiden sigma 2 :P

    PLEASE READ EVERYTHING ABOVE! And please seriously read it, I'm pretty sure elder scrolls IV: oblivion has giant spiders D:

    And please only suggest games that fit most if not all of the above criteria

    thanks :D

    If you're confused, you can just base my preferences on the thief, assassin classes in mmorpgs.

    It's just that I don't like too much of one thing. Not a game purely based on stealth, or anything for that matter.

    And can you guys please seriously read what I write.

    How does god of war have anything to do with stealth?

    Mgs4, I might check out.

    And dragon age origins has giant spiders lol

    It seems like you guys are just saying general games that are popular for the ps3 and psp without taking into account of what I typed up there.

    And no, I'm not a girl nor am I arachnaphobic.

    It's just that I prefer not to see like giant spiders or insects chasing me down and eating me up :P

    I don't really mind those spiders in oblivion though.

    But, like for example, when I tried out the free version of guild wars, there were these huge monsters with six or eight legs chasing me down. I just don't like really ugly monsters or really dark games.

    I didn't enjoy uncharted 2 that much, because half the time, I was in the dark and I couldn't see anything.

    And Fallout 3 vs Elder Scroll IV: Oblivion?Recommended games I should buy for ps3, psp, free mmorpgs that fits what I like?
    You've obviously thought a lot about this! With such a hard time to decide, I suggest you find a gaming club or if you have lots of friends with games to share around and try out some of these before buying for yourself. Or rent a few of the different games first.

    I have and like UC2, MGS4, MW2, Oblivion.

    Good luck!
  • tallahassee2
  • spelling dictionary
  • Which of the following rpgs match the following description and is also similar to maplestory?

    Fable 2, Dragon Age origins, Fallout 3, or Elder Scroll IV: Oblivion?

    As for what I like, in short, I like the thief class in mmorpgs.

    In detail, I like stealth, daggers, swords, assassination, stealing, running, versatility and speed.

    I don't like full stealth nor full head on combat, more like a little bit of both. For example, Sniper: Ghost warriors seems really boring to me because you just snipe, stealth, snipe. I like Assassin's creed 2 if you want an example of what I like. Also, if possible, I prefer using swords, daggers to snipers. I don't know why, sniping just seems really boring to me :P

    And lastly, I own Modern Warfare 2, Assassin's Creed 2, and Uncharted 2: Among Thieves.

    Thanks in advance! :D

    O and btw, if you want to know why I didn't just play the thief classes in mmorpgs, it's because it's either the community is retarded, the graphics suck, or the gameplay gets boring, OR it's a freaking grindfest.

    I don't like how mmorpgs are dependent on the number of people rather than interest in the gameplay since I know lots of people that play mmorpgs just to chat with friends.Which of the following rpgs match the following description and is also similar to maplestory?
    The only thing that comes to mind is WonderKing.

    I've played in the Closed Beta, and it really is very similar to MapleStory, so much, infact, that people called it WonderStory and MapleKing in the game. Even MS2 haha.

    Recommended games I should buy for ps3, psp, free mmorpgs that fits what I like?

    As for what I like, in short, I like the thief class in mmorpgs.

    In detail, I like stealth, daggers, swords, assassination, stealing, running, versatility and speed.

    I don't like full stealth nor full head on combat, more like a little bit of both. For example, Sniper: Ghost warriors seems really boring to me because you just snipe, stealth, snipe. I like Assassin's creed 2 if you want an example of what I like. Also, if possible, I prefer using swords, daggers to snipers. I don't know why, sniping just seems really boring to me :P

    And lastly, I own Modern Warfare 2, Assassin's Creed 2, and Uncharted 2: Among Thieves.

    Thanks in advance! :D

    O and btw, if you want to know why I didn't just play the thief classes in mmorpgs, it's because it's either the community is retarded, the graphics suck, or the gameplay gets boring, OR it's a freaking grindfest.

    I don't like how mmorpgs are dependent on the number of people rather than interest in the gameplay since I know lots of people that play mmorpgs just to chat with friends.

    And one more thing, I'm not necessarily looking for an rpg game. And I also don't like huge spiders, so games like demon's souls wouldn't work :D

    Lol how come no one mentioned ninja gaiden sigma 2 :P

    PLEASE READ EVERYTHING ABOVE! And please seriously read it, I'm pretty sure elder scrolls IV: oblivion has giant spiders D:

    And please only suggest games that fit most if not all of the above criteria

    thanks :D

    If you're confused, you can just base my preferences on the thief, assassin classes in mmorpgs.

    It's just that I don't like too much of one thing. Not a game purely based on stealth, or anything for that matter.

    And can you guys please seriously read what I write.

    How does god of war have anything to do with stealth?

    Mgs4, I might check out.

    And dragon age origins has giant spiders lol

    It seems like you guys are just saying general games that are popular for the ps3 and psp without taking into account of what I typed up there.

    And no, I'm not a girl nor am I arachnaphobic.

    It's just that I prefer not to see like giant spiders or insects chasing me down and eating me up :P

    I don't really mind those spiders in oblivion though.

    But, like for example, when I tried out the free version of guild wars, there were these huge monsters with six or eight legs chasing me down. I just don't like really ugly monsters or really dark games.

    I didn't enjoy uncharted 2 that much, because half the time, I was in the dark and I couldn't see anything.Recommended games I should buy for ps3, psp, free mmorpgs that fits what I like?
    First please don't keep typing your question multiple times. I believe this is your 9th time asking this. If your not getting the answer you want there a two possible problems. Either the yahoo answers community doesn't know the answer or you are just too picky a gamer.

    Ok down to the real question. I myself and an rpg fan. If you want to start somewhere KOTOR is a must (knights of the old republic). Amazing game for the xbox. If you liked oblivion except for the spiders you could try fall out 3. It's made by the same company with similar properties. As for your review on Guild Wars, turn up the brightness and actually play through it for a little bit. Most of the monsters and not spiders and only .1% of the monsters actually have 6 legs. Another good game you might like would be fable 2. Its not much of the stealth feature but it has good gameplay and a solid story line. You have to diversify to survive in the game so its not all straight ahead combat.

    As for all of this, if you don't have an xbox and you like rpgs your best bet would to get a final fantasy game. I don't know much about the ps 3 so if you want some solid rpging get an xbox.

    Which of the following rpgs match the following description and is also similar to maplestory?

    Fable 2, Dragon Age origins, Fallout 3, or Elder Scroll IV: Oblivion?

    As for what I like, in short, I like the thief class in mmorpgs.

    In detail, I like stealth, daggers, swords, assassination, stealing, running, versatility and speed.

    I don't like full stealth nor full head on combat, more like a little bit of both. For example, Sniper: Ghost warriors seems really boring to me because you just snipe, stealth, snipe. I like Assassin's creed 2 if you want an example of what I like. Also, if possible, I prefer using swords, daggers to snipers. I don't know why, sniping just seems really boring to me :P

    And lastly, I own Modern Warfare 2, Assassin's Creed 2, and Uncharted 2: Among Thieves.

    Thanks in advance! :D

    O and btw, if you want to know why I didn't just play the thief classes in mmorpgs, it's because it's either the community is retarded, the graphics suck, or the gameplay gets boring, OR it's a freaking grindfest.

    I don't like how mmorpgs are dependent on the number of people rather than interest in the gameplay since I know lots of people that play mmorpgs just to chat with friends.Which of the following rpgs match the following description and is also similar to maplestory?
    None of those games are even close to being like MapleStory.

    But, if you like killing dragons, people, thief class, etc. then get Oblivion.

    If you like wasteland games, get fallout.

    Recommended games I should buy for ps3, psp, free mmorpgs that fits what I like?

    As for what I like, in short, I like the thief class in mmorpgs.

    In detail, I like stealth, daggers, swords, assassination, stealing, running, versatility and speed.

    I don't like full stealth nor full head on combat, more like a little bit of both. For example, Sniper: Ghost warriors seems really boring to me because you just snipe, stealth, snipe. I like Assassin's creed 2 if you want an example of what I like. Also, if possible, I prefer using swords, daggers to snipers. I don't know why, sniping just seems really boring to me :P

    And lastly, I own Modern Warfare 2, Assassin's Creed 2, and Uncharted 2: Among Thieves.

    Thanks in advance! :D

    O and btw, if you want to know why I didn't just play the thief classes in mmorpgs, it's because it's either the community is retarded, the graphics suck, or the gameplay gets boring, OR it's a freaking grindfest.

    I don't like how mmorpgs are dependent on the number of people rather than interest in the gameplay since I know lots of people that play mmorpgs just to chat with friends.

    And one more thing, I'm not necessarily looking for an rpg game. And I also don't like huge spiders, so games like demon's souls wouldn't work :D

    Lol how come no one mentioned ninja gaiden sigma 2 :P

    PLEASE READ EVERYTHING ABOVE! And please seriously read it, I'm pretty sure elder scrolls IV: oblivion has giant spiders D:

    And please only suggest games that fit most if not all of the above criteria

    thanks :D

    If you're confused, you can just base my preferences on the thief, assassin classes in mmorpgs.

    It's just that I don't like too much of one thing. Not a game purely based on stealth, or anything for that matter.

    And can you guys please seriously read what I write.

    How does god of war have anything to do with stealth?

    Mgs4, I might check out.

    And dragon age origins has giant spiders lol

    It seems like you guys are just saying general games that are popular for the ps3 and psp without taking into account of what I typed up there.Recommended games I should buy for ps3, psp, free mmorpgs that fits what I like?
    try God of War its a great game.

    What Xbox 360 Game Is Better? (7 Games)?

    1) Grand Theft Auto: Episodes From Liberty City

    2) Fallout 3

    3) Call Of Duty Modern Warfare 2

    4) Gears of War 2

    5) Borderlands

    6) Dragon Age: Origins

    7) WWE Smackdown Vs. Raw 2010


    1) What Game Has a Longer Story Mode/Campaign? - 1b) What Game Has The Shortest?

    2) What Game Has a Better Multiplayer? - 2b)What Game Has The Worst Multiplayer?

    3) What Game Has Better Graphics? - 3b)What Game Has The Worst Graphics?

    4) What Game Has More Weapons/Finishing Moves? - 4b)Which Game Has The Fewest?

    5) What Game Has Better Online Gameplay? - 5b)Which Game Has The Worst Online Gameplay?

    6) What Game Has More Customization? - 6b)Which One Has The Worst?

    7) Which Game Has The Best "Create A Character" Setting? - 7b)Which One Has The Worst or

    Doesn't Have it?

    8) Which One Has A Better Single Player Mode? - 8b) Which One Has The Worst?

    9) What Game Is The Best In Your Opinion? - 9b) Which Game Is The Worst?What Xbox 360 Game Is Better? (7 Games)?
    1) What Game Has a Longer Story Mode/Campaign? - 1b) What Game Has The Shortest?

    Dragon Age is Probably longest. It is a tie between MW2 and Borderlands for just short campaign

    2) What Game Has a Better Multiplayer? - 2b)What Game Has The Worst Multiplayer?

    MW2 has best MP in my opinion. I dont like gow 2 mp so much... its too laggy

    3) What Game Has Better Graphics? - 3b)What Game Has The Worst Graphics?

    MW2 prolly has best graphics. Borderlands is good, but not as good as the other games

    4) What Game Has More Weapons/Finishing Moves? - 4b)Which Game Has The Fewest?

    Gears has most finishing moves/ Fallout has most actual weapons to kill people. WWE has fewest obviously

    5) What Game Has Better Online Gameplay? - 5b)Which Game Has The Worst Online Gameplay?

    I already answered this

    6) What Game Has More Customization? - 6b)Which One Has The Worst?

    Fallout 3 has a lot of customization. WWE probably has the fewest

    7) Which Game Has The Best "Create A Character" Setting? - 7b)Which One Has The Worst or

    Doesn't Have it?

    Fallout has a pretty good create a character . Borderlands doesnt let you actually edit the body or face

    8) Which One Has A Better Single Player Mode? - 8b) Which One Has The Worst?

    I think Gears of War 2 was pretty fun single player. WWE probably has the worst unless you are a hardcore wrestling fan

    9) What Game Is The Best In Your Opinion? - 9b) Which Game Is The Worst?

    MW2 is best out of the 7 games you listed. IMO it is a tie between MW2 and GoW1. The worst is WWE. I just dont find WWE games very entertaining.What Xbox 360 Game Is Better? (7 Games)?
    you should not have put cod mw2 on their

    every single answer after this one will be people wanting to mate with that game

    your proof will be people thumbing down this answer

    My personal choice would be gears of war 2

    story is superb (really good for a shooter)

    really fun co-op game play and gives you a different exp depending on which character you play

    chainsaw guns nuff said

    theirs horde mode which is kinda like halo odst firefight except weapons re spawn and you can find people over xbox live matchmaking

    you should play the first one though (storywise)

    hope this helpsWhat Xbox 360 Game Is Better? (7 Games)?
    Call Of Duty Modern Warfare 2

    Gears of War 2

    Fallout 3


    Dragon Age: Origins

    Those are the best in that order

    1.Dragon age is the longest,MW2 is the shortest

    2.MW2 has the best Multiplayer,GTA has the worst

    3.MW2 has the best graphics,WWE has the worst)not saying that looks like ****-all have good graphics)

    4.Borderlands has a couple of million weapons

    5.MW2 is the best online gameplay and borderlands too

    6.Dragon age has most customization cause it's a clean RPG game

    7.Dragon age like I said before

    8.Maybe fallout 3 and Dragon age,worst WWE

    9.The ones that I said at the begining are the best in that order
    1. Longest: Dragon Age: Origins Shortest: MW2 or Gears 2

    2. Best: MW2 or Gears 2 Worst: Smackdown Vs. Raw

    3. Best graphics: MW2 or Gears 2 (Gears does suffer from some texture pop-ins) Worst: Smackdown vs Raw

    4. Most weapons: Borderlands (MW2 and Dragon Age do to, just not as much) Fewest: Gears 2

    5. Best online game play: MW2 or Gears 2 Worst: Smackdown vs Raw

    6. Most customization: MW2, Fallout, Borderlands, or Dragon Age (It's close) Worst: Gears 2 or GTA has little to non.

    7. Best "Create A Character": Smackdown vs Raw Worst: the rest don't really have it

    8. Best single player: Dragon Age: Origins Worst: Smackdown Vs Raw

    9. Best: MW2 (They're all great games, except for Smackdown Vs Raw) Worst: Smackdown Vs Raw
  • dragon age legends
  • restaurants in dc
  • Which of the following rpgs match the following description and is also similar to maplestory?

    Fable 2, Dragon Age origins, Fallout 3, or Elder Scroll IV: Oblivion?

    As for what I like, in short, I like the thief class in mmorpgs.

    In detail, I like stealth, daggers, swords, assassination, stealing, running, versatility and speed.

    I don't like full stealth nor full head on combat, more like a little bit of both. For example, Sniper: Ghost warriors seems really boring to me because you just snipe, stealth, snipe. I like Assassin's creed 2 if you want an example of what I like. Also, if possible, I prefer using swords, daggers to snipers. I don't know why, sniping just seems really boring to me :P

    And lastly, I own Modern Warfare 2, Assassin's Creed 2, and Uncharted 2: Among Thieves.

    Thanks in advance! :D

    O and btw, if you want to know why I didn't just play the thief classes in mmorpgs, it's because it's either the community is retarded, the graphics suck, or the gameplay gets boring, OR it's a freaking grindfest.

    I don't like how mmorpgs are dependent on the number of people rather than interest in the gameplay since I know lots of people that play mmorpgs just to chat with friends.Which of the following rpgs match the following description and is also similar to maplestory?
    Oblivion and fable 2 would probably work for you. I've play them both and fables one of those games where you can play more than once and choose your paths. I haven't gotten very far in oblivion but its a good game.Which of the following rpgs match the following description and is also similar to maplestory?
    As far as stealth,daggers and swords, you'll probably like oblivion way better. Fallout 3 has a decent stealth system but that's guns. Dragon Age origins is a 3rd person rpg. I as far as Stealth goes on that is rouge class can turn invisible and can do more damage when they attack from back. Fable 2 is one i've only played once or twice but i don't think i remember a stealth system. I think that the closest one to what you're looking for is Oblivion. However i don't think any of these games are like maple story.

    Know any games similar to Oblivion?

    Hi. im looking for video games like the elder scrolls IV oblivion. as in the open world, fantasy, magic, sword fighting and horse riding gameplay. i like the horse gameplay in red dead redemption, they seem to be the only ones that got the horses body language right, and the magic system in fable 1,2, and 3. ive played dragon age, fallout 3 and vegas, all fables, etc. im just looking for something new thats similar to oblivion and like other rpgs that will keep me occupied until skyrim releases! woo :D. thanks in advance ;)Know any games similar to Oblivion?
    Take a stab at Morrowind, Oblivion's predecessor. Many people will swear to this day that Morrowind is the better game.
    Agree with Mistah J. Try Morrowind, ES 3. I'm one that prefers it over Oblivion for a few reasons but both are very good. MW's NPC's are blocky and angular so downloading a better bodies mod makes it better.

    Why I like MW: no world leveling, better haggle and disposition system (I hate that disposition wheel thing), and levitation jewelry/spells.Know any games similar to Oblivion?
    If you enjoyed dragon age, neverwinter nights, one or two, would be for you.
    If u have Oblivion for the PC, u can download a whole bunch of new content. Lots of good quests and stuff.

    Go here: any games similar to Oblivion?
    Darksiders is a good one that has horse and sword in it. and also if you want action+rpg you may wanna try Borderlands.
    1) sleep for a year

    2) wake up

    3) elder scrolls V. HELL YEAH!!!1111

    I'm having a lot of trouble deciding what game to get, HELP ME!?

    This is copied from a recent conversation I had. I'm having trouble deciding what game to get for my 360. I have Gamefly..

    so i played Bioshock, which..Bioshock II is out and everybody loves it. i never gave Bioshock a good chance, really..i got through only a small part of the story..The gameplay just seemed kind of boring to me..I don't know..I played it a year ago.

    *and i didnt like didnt make sense. living underwater just wasnt for me..but now, I'm into the whole fantasy thing

    *then theres..modern warfare 2 which..naturally, i hate the call of duty series

    *but..the missions are fun at least

    *and small online gameplay is

    *i played that too

    *then theres batman arkane asylum not a big fan of batman but..its kind of like a gothic game. i played the demo and stuff..pretty decent %26gt;.%26gt;

    *then soul cabilur IV which I only look forward to because I've seen videos of Darth Vader doing brutal moves and such..which i have yet to decide whether i wanna try it or not

    *and finally..

    *theres a long anticipated game on my list that i've been wanting to try, but i've been skeptical about its given rating


    *which is this weird Japanese game..

    I don't know..I just want a really exciting game that's about brutality, and weirdness..

    The recent games I've played have been Red Dead Redemption (Which is good but, I'm sick of normal free roams), Dragon Age origins (Good game, but I was quite disappointed..Lacked the qualities that Biowares Knights of the Old Republic series had..

    And I recently beat Dead Space Extraction, which I thought was an amazing game..

    I also have a Wii, too..I was thinking of getting that new Super Mario party game %26gt;.%26gt;..Or something Nintendo. I played Super Smash Brothers Brawl..EPIC GAME!! I wanna buy that game eventually.

    I'm so confuuuuusseeddd T_T

    Help meh!!!!

    PS: I'm trying to avoid co-op games too..I like playing things by myself. Like in MW2, I wanted to get it so I could play online and kill people..I'm having a lot of trouble deciding what game to get, HELP ME!?

    SC4 = Soul Calibur 4

    SF = Street Fighter

    DMC = Devil May Cry

    FF13 = Final Fantasy 13

    Well I would very much suggest Bayonetta. Especially if you've played DMC.

    If you like RPGs then FF13 is out there.

    Erm... *Looks through games* Rock Band?

    Tekken 6, SC4, SF, depending on what type of fighting your into. SF is cartoon, SC4 is fantasy. Tekken is more real.

    If you don't know about a game look up a review on youtube and see how you like it.

    Ah also look at No More Heroes 1 and 2 for wii. Pure epicness!

    PS. There She Is = Awesome!I'm having a lot of trouble deciding what game to get, HELP ME!?
    I suggest saving while waiting for dragon age II which will be released in due timeI'm having a lot of trouble deciding what game to get, HELP ME!?
    totally get brawl love that game
    wait for gears of war 3?its 1 of the best 360 games


    Recommended games I should buy for ps3, psp, free mmorpgs that fits what I like?

    As for what I like, in short, I like the thief class in mmorpgs.

    In detail, I like stealth, daggers, swords, assassination, stealing, running, versatility and speed.

    I don't like full stealth nor full head on combat, more like a little bit of both. For example, Sniper: Ghost warriors seems really boring to me because you just snipe, stealth, snipe. I like Assassin's creed 2 if you want an example of what I like. Also, if possible, I prefer using swords, daggers to snipers. I don't know why, sniping just seems really boring to me :P

    And lastly, I own Modern Warfare 2, Assassin's Creed 2, and Uncharted 2: Among Thieves.

    Thanks in advance! :D

    O and btw, if you want to know why I didn't just play the thief classes in mmorpgs, it's because it's either the community is retarded, the graphics suck, or the gameplay gets boring, OR it's a freaking grindfest.

    I don't like how mmorpgs are dependent on the number of people rather than interest in the gameplay since I know lots of people that play mmorpgs just to chat with friends.

    And one more thing, I'm not necessarily looking for an rpg game. And I also don't like huge spiders, so games like demon's souls wouldn't work :D

    Lol how come no one mentioned ninja gaiden sigma 2 :P

    PLEASE READ EVERYTHING ABOVE! And please seriously read it, I'm pretty sure elder scrolls IV: oblivion has giant spiders D:

    And please only suggest games that fit most if not all of the above criteria

    thanks :D

    If you're confused, you can just base my preferences on the thief, assassin classes in mmorpgs.

    It's just that I don't like too much of one thing. Not a game purely based on stealth, or anything for that matter.

    And can you guys please seriously read what I write.

    How does god of war have anything to do with stealth?

    Mgs4, I might check out.

    And dragon age origins has giant spiders lol

    It seems like you guys are just saying general games that are popular for the ps3 and psp without taking into account of what I typed up there.Recommended games I should buy for ps3, psp, free mmorpgs that fits what I like?
    Infamous (Bit like assassins creed but you have electricity powers)

    Prototype (Awesome)

    Borderlands (Its got classes)Recommended games I should buy for ps3, psp, free mmorpgs that fits what I like?
    you have pretty much just described oblivion. You can be what ever you want in that game, a thief, an assassin...etc. and no, there isn't giant spiders in that game, and unless you were an arachnophobe or a 9 year old girl, i don't know why that would influence your decision in any way...

    Recommended games I should buy for ps3, psp, free mmorpgs that fits what I like?

    As for what I like, in short, I like the thief class in mmorpgs.

    In detail, I like stealth, daggers, swords, assassination, stealing, running, versatility and speed.

    I don't like full stealth nor full head on combat, more like a little bit of both. For example, Sniper: Ghost warriors seems really boring to me because you just snipe, stealth, snipe. I like Assassin's creed 2 if you want an example of what I like. Also, if possible, I prefer using swords, daggers to snipers. I don't know why, sniping just seems really boring to me :P

    And lastly, I own Modern Warfare 2, Assassin's Creed 2, and Uncharted 2: Among Thieves.

    Thanks in advance! :D

    O and btw, if you want to know why I didn't just play the thief classes in mmorpgs, it's because it's either the community is retarded, the graphics suck, or the gameplay gets boring, OR it's a freaking grindfest.

    I don't like how mmorpgs are dependent on the number of people rather than interest in the gameplay since I know lots of people that play mmorpgs just to chat with friends.

    And one more thing, I'm not necessarily looking for an rpg game. And I also don't like huge spiders, so games like demon's souls wouldn't work :D

    Lol how come no one mentioned ninja gaiden sigma 2 :P

    PLEASE READ EVERYTHING ABOVE! And please seriously read it, I'm pretty sure elder scrolls IV: oblivion has giant spiders D:

    And please only suggest games that fit most if not all of the above criteria

    thanks :D

    If you're confused, you can just base my preferences on the thief, assassin classes in mmorpgs.

    It's just that I don't like too much of one thing. Not a game purely based on stealth, or anything for that matter.

    And can you guys please seriously read what I write.

    How does god of war have anything to do with stealth?

    Mgs4, I might check out.

    And dragon age origins has giant spiders lol

    It seems like you guys are just saying general games that are popular for the ps3 and psp without taking into account of what I typed up there.Recommended games I should buy for ps3, psp, free mmorpgs that fits what I like?
    no ones going to read this all
  • dominoes
  • what is a cell
  • Recommended games I should buy for ps3, psp, free mmorpgs that fits what I like?

    As for what I like, in short, I like the thief class in mmorpgs.

    In detail, I like stealth, daggers, swords, assassination, stealing, running, versatility and speed.

    I don't like full stealth nor full head on combat, more like a little bit of both. For example, Sniper: Ghost warriors seems really boring to me because you just snipe, stealth, snipe. I like Assassin's creed 2 if you want an example of what I like. Also, if possible, I prefer using swords, daggers to snipers. I don't know why, sniping just seems really boring to me :P

    And lastly, I own Modern Warfare 2, Assassin's Creed 2, and Uncharted 2: Among Thieves.

    Thanks in advance! :D

    O and btw, if you want to know why I didn't just play the thief classes in mmorpgs, it's because it's either the community is retarded, the graphics suck, or the gameplay gets boring, OR it's a freaking grindfest.

    I don't like how mmorpgs are dependent on the number of people rather than interest in the gameplay since I know lots of people that play mmorpgs just to chat with friends.

    And one more thing, I'm not necessarily looking for an rpg game. And I also don't like huge spiders, so games like demon's souls wouldn't work :D

    Lol how come no one mentioned ninja gaiden sigma 2 :P

    PLEASE READ EVERYTHING ABOVE! And please seriously read it, I'm pretty sure elder scrolls IV: oblivion has giant spiders D:

    And please only suggest games that fit most if not all of the above criteria

    thanks :D

    If you're confused, you can just base my preferences on the thief, assassin classes in mmorpgs.

    It's just that I don't like too much of one thing. Not a game purely based on stealth, or anything for that matter.

    And can you guys please seriously read what I write.

    How does god of war have anything to do with stealth?

    Mgs4, I might check out.

    And dragon age origins has giant spiders lol

    It seems like you guys are just saying general games that are popular for the ps3 and psp without taking into account of what I typed up there.Recommended games I should buy for ps3, psp, free mmorpgs that fits what I like?
    I Strongly recommend Elders Scrolls 4: Oblivion for a sword based rpg game that you should buy.

    As for the MMORPG i recommend Dungeons and Dragons Online, it is completely free to play and it has incredible graphics for an MMO, you will need a good computer to play and the download takes 3 to 4 hours.Recommended games I should buy for ps3, psp, free mmorpgs that fits what I like?
    O.ORecommended games I should buy for ps3, psp, free mmorpgs that fits what I like?
    Demon souls my fellow gamer DEMONS SOULS is the game

    Are there any ps3 rpgs that are over the shoulder?

    I recently played dragon age origins and really liked it, but I did not like the combat system. Is there any games that look like dragon age (playing behind the character not over there heads) but have different combat system? I dont like FF combat system either, I prefer hack and slash but over the shoulder (back?) gameplay.Are there any ps3 rpgs that are over the shoulder?
    I love The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion game, it's eaten up loads of my time and i hardly ever get bored of it.

    The expansions are awesome- i wish it came with all of them (there are smaller packs that unlock certain areas) but it's still great. Only downside is that it has a few glitches and stuff, and some quests are bugged so you can't even finish them- but these are few and far between; most of the game is playable and awesome.Are there any ps3 rpgs that are over the shoulder?
    Elder scrolls iv Oblivion you can click the analog to have the camera behind you it is an addicting rpg but if you can wait just get elder scrolls skyrim on 11/11/11Are there any ps3 rpgs that are over the shoulder?
    Maybe the new game Deus EX: Human Revolution. That seems fun and the game your are looking for.

    My first experience with an RPG on console was a bad one, should i still give the RPG genre a second chance?

    Ok so the first RPG i've played on console (PS3) was Dragon Age Origins, and that game was terrible! Im the type of guy that likes to only play FPS and racing games, but im getting bored and tired of those games, i want to try something new, something that will get me hooked for a long time.

    I want to give the RPG genre a second chance, but im scared that it will end up as another bad experience like the last one. Im looking towards Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion and maybe even the epic looking Skyrim that is comming early November. I saw a few reviews and gameplay videos on YouTube about Oblivion, and to be honest, it looks incredible! I like how you can go in first person view and that your the one who desides when to slash and block, i like that! The magical spells also look sweet, like fireballs and stuff like that.

    It feels like if Dragon Age was rushed compared to Oblivion and Skyrim,judging from the videos and gameplays i saw. Typical EA, they push out so many games every year... So should i give RPG's a second chance? And would Oblivion/Skyrim be a better start for me? Im new to RPG's so i hope that Oblivion %26amp; Skyrim aren't to complicated. Oh and do i need to play the older Elder Scrolls game to understand whats going on in Oblivion and Skyrim? Because i never played the older ones. I only play on my PS3 because my PC is not powerfull enough to play games on.My first experience with an RPG on console was a bad one, should i still give the RPG genre a second chance?
    Like you, I hated Dragon Age - with a fiery passion. From what I hear it's style is very similar to WoW, they seem to have specialised it far too much in that direction, the battle was just awkward (as a non WoW player). Not to mention the complete lack of battle tutorial.

    By no means let Dragon Age finish off your experiences with RPG.

    I had got Dragon Age because I loved how amazing BioWare were with Mass Effect 2 (it's FPS cross with RPG, definitely worth a try as something of a bridge, one of my fave games ever).

    Anyway, Elder Scrolls is the way to go - yes. But don't get Oblivion. It's not long till Skyrim's out now and it'll be 100x better. Don't get me wrong, I loved Oblivion, kept me occupied for ages - but it's quite an old game now. It came out not long after the PS3 came out, and it really does feel like an early bird PS3 game. It can keep you busy for hours - but so will Skyrim. There's no point starting Oblivion now when Skyrim's just round the corner and will be even bigger and miles better.
    I love fps's but i tried out oblivion and really liked it. Dragon age origins was a little less than ok but the second one was alright. Judgin on how good the first oblivion was though, skyim should be badass. Already got that pre-ordered. As well is mw3, of course.My first experience with an RPG on console was a bad one, should i still give the RPG genre a second chance?
    Try Nier.

    Reviewers hated it, gamers loved it.鈥?/a>

    Here is the opening of nier:鈥?/a>

    btw Dragon Age Origins was a HUGE fail at the consoles.
    If you're limiting yourself to your playstation 3, download an old final fantasy off the PSN and give that a shot. I find that the newer RPGs suck compared to the classics on the more classic systems.My first experience with an RPG on console was a bad one, should i still give the RPG genre a second chance?
    I would try this:鈥?/a>

    It is an MMORPG, that is in the style of an arcade fighter. It is FREE, except for added bonuses such as extra cloths, pets, etc.

    Here is some gameplay:鈥?/a>
    (This run is a different kind of area. It is place where you have to clear each floor. It is fun to party in.)
    i loved dragon age origins/awakenings but i have been gaming for 35 years so its not my first rpg.oblivion is a good game but you should try the elder scrolls morrowind game of the year on pc,sorry no ps3 version.this is a much better game than oblivion because there is no leveling system for your weapons and oblivion you cant use or find daedric weapons and armor until your at level 20,in morrowind if you can find it you can use it,plus most of the spells are the same,there are some different ones in oblivion but its no big deal.i know you said your pc isn't powerful enough but morrowind is an older game,check out the specs on this site,you may be able to play morrowind and not game of the year version.hope this helps.鈥?/a>
    Get Skyrim for the PC. Even if u have to upgrade your PC. U will be so glad u did.

    First of all your performance and graphics will be a lot better than what the consoles can support.

    And then there will be massive mod content just like Oblivion (this will keep your game alive long after the stock game has worn thin)

    Patches and bug fixes are released first for the PC (both officially and unofficailly)

    U have access to the command console to bypass glitches and bugs (and cheat if u want).

    U have access to the construction set which allows u to make your own content for the game.

    And if u like the PS3 or Xbox360 controller interface, u can use those on your PC also (with special interface programmes like "Xpadder").

    Another thing about PC gaming is that there are almost always "no-disc" patch files which allows u to play the game without having to always put the game disc in the drive. Without jailbreaking your console, u can't do this on a console.

    And Bethesda's games are usually higher quality with better gameplay than most other developers. So that's another consideration to induce people to buy their games.
    Comparing all RPG's together like that is a mistake as unlike FPS's they all play in very different ways. Dragon Age: Origins is what i'd call an Action/RPG, a very western take on the genre. Oblivion is totally different in so many ways its almost impossible to put it into the same category as DA:O or any JRPG's. You have games like Lost Odyssey that are random encounter games and turn based in combat, its a slow pace but heavily story driven so lots of cut scenes. Mass Effect is an action/RPG like DA:O but is a shooter and you control all the actions and like DA:O is mission based. Then you have games like Fallout 3 and Oblivion which are open world RPG's with straight up action that you control and have FPS type controls.

    Sorry to go on but as you can see RPG's are a very diverse genre. So to sum up..

    Oblivion/Fallout 3 are the closest you are gonna get to FPS games but expect a lot of running around doing missions.

    Final Fantasy/Lost Odyssey are very story driven and run at a slower pace, they have lots of cut scenes and the combat done in its own battlefield. These type of games can also come in turn based or real time combat variations but both have a similar style.

    Mass Effect/ Dragon Age are very action oriented but still have RPG elements like leveling, looting and side missions etc. Most of these types of RPG's can also be played at your own pace and missions done in any order you want.

    If any of these sound good to you then give them a blast and i hope you find a type that you like :)

    Which game/games would you suggest?

    Alright so heres the deal which game/games should I buy? You'll notice all of the choices are quality rpgs as I have the desire to play a really good one (or two). So...should I buy Mass Effect and Mass Effect 2? Fallout 3 and Oblivion? Or Dragon Age Origins and the Dragon Age Origins expansion pack. Or maybe even Fable II along with any 1 of these other choices?

    Any advice is welcome also give a reason in your answer I want info about the games and just how fun they are once your 25 hours deep into the story and etc. Which games last, have the best story, re-playability, gameplay anything else you feel like commenting on.Which game/games would you suggest?
    Fable 2 is not the pinnacle of gaming. I'd skip it.

    The Mass Effect series has been one of the most inventive, and I wish I'd bought it when I had the chance. You should probably get 1 and 2.

    Fallout 3 and Oblivion are great games with their own styles of immersion, with plenty of guides online to help you if you get stuck. Much more open ended, and if you like free-roaming and being your own person, then these games are for you.

    Can't speak for Dragon Age though. Sorry.

    Hope that helps!
    ME 1 is good, Me 2 is EXCELLENT.

    Oblivion is old and looks pretty but it's boring as f*ck (just like Failout 3).

    DA:O is INCREDIBLY hard!

    Fable 2 I never played so I can't comment on that.Which game/games would you suggest?
    from my experience i would have to say oblivion and dragon age, i own fable 2 fallout3 oblivion mass effect 1 and still am dying to play dragon age. fable 2 gets a little irritating and doesnt last long, mass effect only has like 5 main missions, but does have quite a few side quests, i expect mass effect 2 to be similar(both are good though) fallout 3 is incredible but in my experience it wasn't as replayable as oblivion was (which i have over 120 hours on my main and like10 other guys) and dragon age just looks incredible and from what i have heard lasts a very long time

    by the way i got most of those hours in oblivion by doing side quests before i even started the main quest, i just got so absorbed in it that i couldnt stop. AND the main quest is still awesome, good story and all
    U should pnly get fallout 3 because it is cooler and it has a lot of weapons.U can also by expansion packs for it and other cool stuff.If you are also looking for scary shooter games try resident evil four and five!!!!!!!!!!!!Which game/games would you suggest?

    Speaking from experience - I've played all the games listed, except Fable II - I would definitely recommend these two: Mass Effect II and Dragon Age. I played Mass Effect I after Mass Effect II, and found the second in the series to be superior in almost every way, and a lot less "buggy." Also, Dragon Age is, in my opinion, simply too good to pass up, although the expansion pack isn't necessary (believe me, the game is definitely long enough). If you were only going to buy one, I would go with Mass Effect II - it's simply incredible.