Sunday, March 4, 2012

Dragon Age Origins: Redcliffe stuck?

Well crap.

This battle is far to difficult. I'm talking about the Redcliffe seige battle when you have to fight off wave after wave of undead guys. Sloth: No problem, Uldred: Down in five minutes. Whats up with this battle? The first part was easy- about ten or so waves of undead, and I managed to protect the knights for the most part even if they were being completely dense and runnng into there own oil fire thing. But then I got to the second part and for the first fifteen minutes I thought it was okay, until the zombies never stopped coming!

Everytime I thought the battle was done another wave of zombies appeared. I had stocked myself with as many potions as I could find before the battle, and at around 20 minutes into the second part of the battle they were all gone. Eventually all the militia men died, leaving me confused because I was killing them fairly fast, two or three hits- and the game still showed no sign of ever ending this zombie invasion! Fourty minutes in (of the second part %26gt;.%26gt;) three of my characters are dead and I quit the game. Can anyone tell just how many zombies are meant spawned in this battle? Or is my game glitched and the zombies just never stopped coming? Or is there some sort of time limit? Did the designers put this level in the game with the intention that you only go there at really high levels or on the easy setting? I sound annoyed because you can't save during battle and the game doesnt save for you imbetween each part, so about an hour of gameplay is wasted everytime I loose %26gt;.%26lt; Aaaargh.Dragon Age Origins: Redcliffe stuck?
Dude, I was in the same position as you last night. DAMN that was hard! I was playing on normal and I died at least 10 time then I said "Screw this, I'mma turn the difficulty to easy." I did finished the part without any trouble after that. Then I thought "There must have been a far EASIER way to beat that part". So I looked up some guides and such. Turned out that in every good party, there MUST be at least one mage. So then I went back and played that part again, this time having Morrigan with me.


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