Saturday, March 10, 2012

Any of you other RPG players suffer from restartitis? -_- (Restarting games over and over)?

I have this problem with every RPG game I play, except Zelda.

In Fallout 3, (Which I never beat), I kept creating new characters after I only got done with five quests.

In Oblivion Elder Scrolls, I kept restarting the game because of the appearance of my character.

I never even beat the game! I'VE NEVER EVEN STARTED THE MAIN QUEST XD

Perhaps the most frustrating game I have right now is Dragon Age II. In Origins, you could just pick somebody and wield whatever weapon you wanted (except mage). I already had a tough decision of deciding whether to be a mage, dwarf, elf, or human..

But Dragon Age II is more specific. Before the game begins, you have to choose mage, rogue, or warrior..And then you're only allowed a set of weapons that your class can use.

I can't wait til Skyrim is released. They say that when you start the game, you can just be whatever the hell you want during gameplay xD. Whatever skill you do, you level up on that automatically.

Being a mixture of a rogue and warrior is very complicated..Any of you other RPG players suffer from restartitis? -_- (Restarting games over and over)?
yes. do you have question for Yahoo!Any of you other RPG players suffer from restartitis? -_- (Restarting games over and over)?
I do. Especially in DA:O and Oblivion, more in Oblivion than anything. I only do it in Dragon Age: Origins to have the specializations unlocked for the 3 types and to pick one for a playthrough. God knows how many times I've restarted my character in Oblivion...probably topping 500 of them =7

T2SAny of you other RPG players suffer from restartitis? -_- (Restarting games over and over)?
"RPG game I play, except Zelda."

Zelda isn't an RPG.

I occasionally restart RPGs if I haven't played them for a long time.
after i make a character i stick with it and play out the game.then i will go back and play again and use glitches or cheats but other than that i just play the game and have fun.i have played the elder scrolls oblivion a number of times,i have a character with over 1000 hours on it.i have thousands of hours into fallout 3 and all the dlc.just make a character and have fun.hope this helps.

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