Saturday, March 10, 2012

Which game/games would you suggest?

Alright so heres the deal which game/games should I buy? You'll notice all of the choices are quality rpgs as I have the desire to play a really good one (or two). So...should I buy Mass Effect and Mass Effect 2? Fallout 3 and Oblivion? Or Dragon Age Origins and the Dragon Age Origins expansion pack. Or maybe even Fable II along with any 1 of these other choices?

Any advice is welcome also give a reason in your answer I want info about the games and just how fun they are once your 25 hours deep into the story and etc. Which games last, have the best story, re-playability, gameplay anything else you feel like commenting on.Which game/games would you suggest?
Fable 2 is not the pinnacle of gaming. I'd skip it.

The Mass Effect series has been one of the most inventive, and I wish I'd bought it when I had the chance. You should probably get 1 and 2.

Fallout 3 and Oblivion are great games with their own styles of immersion, with plenty of guides online to help you if you get stuck. Much more open ended, and if you like free-roaming and being your own person, then these games are for you.

Can't speak for Dragon Age though. Sorry.

Hope that helps!
ME 1 is good, Me 2 is EXCELLENT.

Oblivion is old and looks pretty but it's boring as f*ck (just like Failout 3).


Fable 2 I never played so I can't comment on that.Which game/games would you suggest?
from my experience i would have to say oblivion and dragon age, i own fable 2 fallout3 oblivion mass effect 1 and still am dying to play dragon age. fable 2 gets a little irritating and doesnt last long, mass effect only has like 5 main missions, but does have quite a few side quests, i expect mass effect 2 to be similar(both are good though) fallout 3 is incredible but in my experience it wasn't as replayable as oblivion was (which i have over 120 hours on my main and like10 other guys) and dragon age just looks incredible and from what i have heard lasts a very long time

by the way i got most of those hours in oblivion by doing side quests before i even started the main quest, i just got so absorbed in it that i couldnt stop. AND the main quest is still awesome, good story and all
U should pnly get fallout 3 because it is cooler and it has a lot of weapons.U can also by expansion packs for it and other cool stuff.If you are also looking for scary shooter games try resident evil four and five!!!!!!!!!!!!Which game/games would you suggest?

Speaking from experience - I've played all the games listed, except Fable II - I would definitely recommend these two: Mass Effect II and Dragon Age. I played Mass Effect I after Mass Effect II, and found the second in the series to be superior in almost every way, and a lot less "buggy." Also, Dragon Age is, in my opinion, simply too good to pass up, although the expansion pack isn't necessary (believe me, the game is definitely long enough). If you were only going to buy one, I would go with Mass Effect II - it's simply incredible.

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