Sunday, March 4, 2012

Dragon Age Origins or Oblivion?

Im keen on playing a game like Fable, but this time actually be taken serious and experience a compelling/interesting story line with some nice violence and excitement in the gameplay.

I loved Mass Effect and trust Bioware to deliver the same experience in a new context (medieval) so im very keen on Dragon Age Origins. Plus, with a sequel coming out soon and an Ultimate Edition (all expansions included) offered for a low price, its hard to say no.

I have heard good things about Oblivion, but it almost seems close to becoming outdated and the journey will go nowhere (I don't know if a sequel is coming soon).

World of Warcraft seems a little boring for me and doesn't look like it offers a serious story or gameplay. Lord of the Rings online is free though and LOTR is pretty sick.

Id like the opinions of anyone who has played these games and anyone who would recommend any other similar games. Thanks for reading thisDragon Age Origins or Oblivion?
Hi there.

I have both games, and both are awesome.

Let me tell you one thing: If you wish for 'Fable with a serious story', get Dragon Age Origins. It is like Fable, a RPG where you can go to a few cities, follow the story, and afterwards, finish the game( and during the story, you get multiple options for a lot pf side quests). So you can stop anytime with the story and do the side quests to become stronger.

Oblivion on the other hand is a little bit more different. Although it is dated, Oblivion puts free roam first. Basically, you can go everywhere you look at, while Dragon Age Origins allows you to only follow the map and its roads. Oblivion is immense, being bigger than Dragon Age Origins( and in my opinion, far much more fun). The game is an RPG at heart, but you can play it like a slasher/(bow)shooter. Also you can pretty much follow your own path during the whole gane, where in Dragon Age, you pretty much Play along the story.

Short summary:

For freedom and longer gameplay, get Oblivion.

For 100 % RPG and great story and a lot of tactics, get Dragon Age
Dragon Age Origins is a work of art visually, amazing game engine at work with one of the best game story lines ever made.Dragon Age Origins or Oblivion?
Oblivion. It's getting oldish, but it's still awesome.
im just thinking time is an issue. like it comes with all the stuff for a cheap price but i think u gotta play those games a lotDragon Age Origins or Oblivion?
If you want a game like Fable, you'd get Dragon Age Origins. I've played the game over 8 times and finished all of the characters and races, both male and female, and I must say, it's gotten me addicted to the game and has a good amount of replayability. Oblivion is super-long and you can beat it either in 24 hours rushing or a couple of weeks to months taking your time, but you kind of get lost and there's so much to do that you forget and some missions you have to figure out where you're going by yourself. It's a complete open-world, and I think too open, and it has hundreds of dungeons, monster-types, and about 100 different villages, towns, cities, and settlements to visit. Still, if you want Fable's easy-to-navigate and limited-yet-open-world gameplay, you'd want Dragon Age Origins. There are many ways to accomplish Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion.

I've played both 'Oblivion' and 'Dragon Age:Origins' and I can safely say 'Oblivion' comes out on Top....

Yeah it is pretty outdated (Time-wise - not Graphic or Gameplay-wise) It really has stood the test of time... the Graphics are f**king unbelieveable. It took my an entire to to even think about attempting the Quests. I just roamed around for ages hunting deer and visiting its vast world.... its pretty amazing.

Quests are also incredible.... Bethseda have just announced (Well... one of their lead Developers let slip) that they intend on creating a sequel due around 2012.... So playing Oblivion can only be an advantage.

Anyways It's your choice... But dont let Oblivions release Date sway you. Amazing games always stand the test of time.

After Playing Oblivion -- Dragonage seemed way under-par (My standards after playing Oblivion became too high) - Every game I play now subconsciously is compared to it :)

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